Friday, January 31, 2020
Silent Spring - Rachel Carson Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Silent Spring - Rachel Carson - Essay Example Thesis statement: Rachel Carson’s work Silent Spring exposes the unfavorable relationship between the government and chemical industry by creating awareness among the mass on the negative effect of pesticides on the living world. Background information Basically, the work deals with the after effects of the use of DDT as insecticide. Rachel Carson states that, â€Å"In this now universal contamination of the environment, chemicals are the sinister and little-recognized partners of radiation in changing the very nature of the world-the very nature of its life†(6). To be specific, the inspiration behind the work was the author’s friend’s knowledge on environmental issues originating from the uncontrolled use of pesticides/insecticides. The use of DDT in author’s friend’s locality resulted in the death of thousands of living things, especially birds. So, she decided to attract the attention of the authorities towards the after effects of the us e of DDT on the living world. So, she decided to write a letter to a daily newspaper named as The Boston Herald, and forwarded a copy of the letter to Carson. This letter deeply influenced Carson’s mind and resulted in the work named as Silent Spring. Theme One can easily identify the fact that uncontrolled use of pesticides affects the sustenance of life on the earth. ... Charles Piddock makes clear that, â€Å"The book, which would be called Silent Spring, described the contamination of lakes, rivers, and oceans, and the death of countless life forms†(86). One can see that almost all the factors that create imbalance in nature are interconnected with the human tendency to exploit natural resources in an uncontrollable manner. Within this context, the uncontrollable use of DDT leads to large scale pollution and the same affects the peaceful co-existence of life on earth. In addition, the human war against insects is the war against life. The authorities are aware of the truth that insects help human beings because pollination is impossible without insects. Still, pesticides are used to kill harmless insects. On the other side, the author is aware of the fact that all the living things are connected and pesticides affect this connection. The use of harmful pesticides cannot be tolerated because human beings are not authorized to control nature. So, the work’s theme is related to the author’s effort to educate the mass on the problems related to pesticides. Significance The significance of the work is not limited to the context of pesticides. Instead, the work’s significance extends to the context of preservation of nature. Conor Mark Jameson opines that, â€Å"Silent Spring is said to have been the spark that ignited the modern-day environmental movement†(17). One can see that the effect of DDT is too dangerous to the living world because uncontrollable killing of insects create ecological imbalance. So, Rachel Carson’s effort is important because the chemical companies which produce DDT were forced to discontinue
Thursday, January 23, 2020
John Steinbeck :: Essays Papers
John Steinbeck John Steinbeck was born on February 27, 1902 in Salinas California, shortly after the end of the Civil War. His mother was a schoolteacher in the public school system in Salinas. Steinbeck grew up in the fertile California where he found the materials for most of his novels, and short stories. Steinbeck demonstrated a great imagination, which was kindled by writing at a very early age partly due to his mother, the schoolteacher, whom read to him at a very early at the many great works of literature. During his teen years, Steinbeck played various sports in high school, worked numerous part time, dead end jobs, and wondered around the fertile valley. The lessons, and observations he made while wandering provided much of the material for his later works. Steinbeck entered Stanford University in 1920, and even though he attended the school until 1925, he never graduated. Lacking the desire to acquire a formal degree from the Stanford University, Steinbeck wandered to New York to pursue a writing career. While working on his writing, and while receiving an endless supply of rejection slips, Steinbeck worked odd jobs. The New York American newspaper was where Steinbeck held a job, writing various articles, for some time before the newspaper went bankrupt. The failure of the newspaper and endless supply of rejection letter forced Steinbeck to return to California, broken but still hopeful. Steinbeck’s first novel, Cup of Gold, was published in 1929, two months before the horrific stock market crash, causing the novel to nearly unnoticed with barely fifteen hundred copies selling. 1930 was a very important year for Steinbeck in two areas. First he married Carol Henning and the newlyweds settled in Pacific Grove, which he often wrote of. There, Steinbeck met Ed Ricketts whose friendship strongly influenced Steinbeck’s works. During the Great Depression of the nineteen thirties Steinbeck knew many people who were considered to be the cross section of society, and shared many of the problems of the times with them. His father like many men, helped is family through the depression with a small house and twenty-five dollars a week. Throughout the depression era Steinbeck wrote of people struggling to make ends meet around the California, Mexico region. One of Steinbeck works, Tortilla Flat, marked a turning point in Steinbeck’s literary career.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Ethical Issues & Management
ETHICAL ISSUES AND MANAGEMENT PAPER Ethical Issues and Management Paper Jamie Culley University of Phoenix Online Campus Ethical Issues and Management Paper Introduction. The responsibilities of a manager go far beyond supervision. In fact, managers are forced to make important decisions every day that affect the company, their employees, and possibly the public depending on the circumstance. Managers take part in hiring, performance, evaluation, discipline, and termination. They are also involved in any circumstance that pertains to harassment and diversity, and they must make a conscious effort to set a good example for their employees. The following paper will focus primarily on discipline; describe the moral and ethical issues faced by managers dealing with discipline; include how the issue affects other individuals; explain how relationships between social issues and ethically responsible management practices apply to discipline; provide a workplace example of an ethical dilemma involving discipline; and discuss any laws governing the manager who provided the discipline in such an ethical dilemma. Discipline Describe the moral and ethical issues faced by managers dealing with your selected topic. Include how the issue affects other individuals. In the case of discipline, managers must know how to appropriately discipline their employees. Managers must ensure equality amongst employees in regard to discipline so as to obey the U. S. Sentencing Guidelines, which â€Å"specify that all employees in an organization must receive consistent discipline for similar infractions†(Trevino & Nelson, 2007, p. 159). Managers must also ensure equality amongst employees in regard to discipline because it is the ethical thing to do. For instance, consider that a certain man has been working for a company for 20 years and he gets aught misusing corporate resources. In this scenario, a manager might be tempted to give him a warning or even write him up for his actions because of his loyalty to the company. Now consider that a certain man has been working for the same company for two years and he also gets caught misusing corporate resources. Yet, in this scenario the manager terminates him for his actions. The U. S. Sentencing Guideli nes seek to ensure that both employees are given the same measure of discipline, which is also the ethical thing to do on the manager's behalf. Furthermore, â€Å"hiring, performance evaluation, discipline, and terminations can be ethical issues because they all involve honesty, fairness, and the dignity of the individual†(Trevino & Nelson, 2007, p. 162, 163). If values such as honesty, dignity, and fairness are acknowledged in circumstances involving discipline, then managers and their companies should have no real concern for negative, public exposure. There are effective ways that managers can go about disciplining employees for their actions. These ways should involve disciplining employees in a constructive and professional manner. Discipline should generally be done in private, allow input from the employee, and it should be consistent with the way past employees have been treated for similar actions or behaviors (Trevino & Nelson, 2007). Discipline affects other individuals such as the affected employee's family members, co-workers, and the general public. When an employee is disciplined in the appropriate manner, a message is sent to the rest of the company's employees. This message communicates that certain measures will be taken to address and rid the company of inappropriate behaviors and actions. As a result, employees will know to be more conscious of their behaviors and actions to ensure that they are not disciplined for the same reasons. If discipline has been taken to the extreme and an employee has been terminated from a company, the family of that employee will be greatly affected. What if that employee is not eligible for unemployment? This could trigger a huge financial burden for the entire family. Finally, the public is very much affected when an employee endures termination as their disciplinary measure. As a result of a termination an employment opportunity opens up for the public to apply for. This could mean that the man or woman who has been searching for a job to provide for their family will be employed and now able to fulfill the needs of his or her family. The economy is affected in various ways as people are terminated from their employed positions (Trevino & Nelson, 2007). Explain how the relationship between social issues and ethically responsible management practices apply to your topic. Social issues and how they relate to ethically responsible management practices need to be considered when disciplinary action is involved between management and employees. Managers need to research why an employee is exuding behaviors such as tardiness, harassment, misuse of corporate resources, and discrimination. For example, a newly hired employee named Judy has been consistently late for her first month of employment. Her manager should address her behavior privately, and ask her why she is often late for work. The case could be that Judy is a single mom of three children who attend a private school on the other side of the city where no bus route has been established. In this case, her manager should find out if flexible work hours can become more available to all employees on the team and go from there. Another social issue could be that Joe, a long-time employee, is going through a divorce, which is costing him a fortune. As a result, Joe cannot afford his car payments and is now without reliable transportation to and from work. Joe's financial status is communicating poverty. Over time, Joe is not only tardy to work because of his transportation issues, but his clothes are looking ragged and he is in no position to meet with clients. Joe's work performance is now failing because of his financial situation. In this case, disciplinary action needs to be carefully considered and documented when dealing with Joe's poor work performance. It is important to document the disciplinary action taken so that the same discipline can be directed at a future situation to ensure equality (Trevino & Nelson, 2007). Provide a workplace example of an ethical dilemma involving your topic. Did any laws govern the manager's actions? A workplace dilemma involving discipline could involve an employee who is being harassed because of her sexual preference, and as a result she is harassing people in retaliation by directing hateful comments toward fellow co-workers. In this scenario, several people’s behaviors need to be addressed: the employees initially harassing the woman because of her sexual preference, and the woman being harassed who is retaliating. Laws do govern the manager’s actions, especially if the manager ignores the issue at hand. Managers are now being held responsible for their employees’ actions if inappropriate behaviors are not dealt with and knowingly ignored. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which is linked with the Equal Opportunity Employment Commission is in place to ensure discrimination is eliminated from the work place and dealt with appropriately (Trevino & Nelson, 2007). Conclusion. In summary, employees are held accountable to their managers and managers to their employees. Managers are held accountable to their employees because it is their responsibility to make ethical decisions and abide by laws that govern their decision-making. Managers must strive to practice honesty, dignity, and fairness in their workplace as pertains to disciplining employees. They should also discipline employees the ethical way by holding a private meeting, being constructive, professional, allowing the employee’s input, and in consistency with past disciplinary action. Social issues that pertain to the work place involve family issues, personal issues, diversity, and much more (Trevino & Nelson, 2007). References: Trevino, L. , & Nelson, K. (2007). Managing business ethics: Straight talk about how to do it right (4th ed. ). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Ethical Issues & Management ETHICAL ISSUES AND MANAGEMENT PAPER Ethical Issues and Management Paper Jamie Culley University of Phoenix Online Campus Ethical Issues and Management Paper Introduction. The responsibilities of a manager go far beyond supervision. In fact, managers are forced to make important decisions every day that affect the company, their employees, and possibly the public depending on the circumstance. Managers take part in hiring, performance, evaluation, discipline, and termination. They are also involved in any circumstance that pertains to harassment and diversity, and they must make a conscious effort to set a good example for their employees. The following paper will focus primarily on discipline; describe the moral and ethical issues faced by managers dealing with discipline; include how the issue affects other individuals; explain how relationships between social issues and ethically responsible management practices apply to discipline; provide a workplace example of an ethical dilemma involving discipline; and discuss any laws governing the manager who provided the discipline in such an ethical dilemma. Discipline Describe the moral and ethical issues faced by managers dealing with your selected topic. Include how the issue affects other individuals. In the case of discipline, managers must know how to appropriately discipline their employees. Managers must ensure equality amongst employees in regard to discipline so as to obey the U. S. Sentencing Guidelines, which â€Å"specify that all employees in an organization must receive consistent discipline for similar infractions†(Trevino & Nelson, 2007, p. 159). Managers must also ensure equality amongst employees in regard to discipline because it is the ethical thing to do. For instance, consider that a certain man has been working for a company for 20 years and he gets aught misusing corporate resources. In this scenario, a manager might be tempted to give him a warning or even write him up for his actions because of his loyalty to the company. Now consider that a certain man has been working for the same company for two years and he also gets caught misusing corporate resources. Yet, in this scenario the manager terminates him for his actions. The U. S. Sentencing Guideli nes seek to ensure that both employees are given the same measure of discipline, which is also the ethical thing to do on the manager's behalf. Furthermore, â€Å"hiring, performance evaluation, discipline, and terminations can be ethical issues because they all involve honesty, fairness, and the dignity of the individual†(Trevino & Nelson, 2007, p. 162, 163). If values such as honesty, dignity, and fairness are acknowledged in circumstances involving discipline, then managers and their companies should have no real concern for negative, public exposure. There are effective ways that managers can go about disciplining employees for their actions. These ways should involve disciplining employees in a constructive and professional manner. Discipline should generally be done in private, allow input from the employee, and it should be consistent with the way past employees have been treated for similar actions or behaviors (Trevino & Nelson, 2007). Discipline affects other individuals such as the affected employee's family members, co-workers, and the general public. When an employee is disciplined in the appropriate manner, a message is sent to the rest of the company's employees. This message communicates that certain measures will be taken to address and rid the company of inappropriate behaviors and actions. As a result, employees will know to be more conscious of their behaviors and actions to ensure that they are not disciplined for the same reasons. If discipline has been taken to the extreme and an employee has been terminated from a company, the family of that employee will be greatly affected. What if that employee is not eligible for unemployment? This could trigger a huge financial burden for the entire family. Finally, the public is very much affected when an employee endures termination as their disciplinary measure. As a result of a termination an employment opportunity opens up for the public to apply for. This could mean that the man or woman who has been searching for a job to provide for their family will be employed and now able to fulfill the needs of his or her family. The economy is affected in various ways as people are terminated from their employed positions (Trevino & Nelson, 2007). Explain how the relationship between social issues and ethically responsible management practices apply to your topic. Social issues and how they relate to ethically responsible management practices need to be considered when disciplinary action is involved between management and employees. Managers need to research why an employee is exuding behaviors such as tardiness, harassment, misuse of corporate resources, and discrimination. For example, a newly hired employee named Judy has been consistently late for her first month of employment. Her manager should address her behavior privately, and ask her why she is often late for work. The case could be that Judy is a single mom of three children who attend a private school on the other side of the city where no bus route has been established. In this case, her manager should find out if flexible work hours can become more available to all employees on the team and go from there. Another social issue could be that Joe, a long-time employee, is going through a divorce, which is costing him a fortune. As a result, Joe cannot afford his car payments and is now without reliable transportation to and from work. Joe's financial status is communicating poverty. Over time, Joe is not only tardy to work because of his transportation issues, but his clothes are looking ragged and he is in no position to meet with clients. Joe's work performance is now failing because of his financial situation. In this case, disciplinary action needs to be carefully considered and documented when dealing with Joe's poor work performance. It is important to document the disciplinary action taken so that the same discipline can be directed at a future situation to ensure equality (Trevino & Nelson, 2007). Provide a workplace example of an ethical dilemma involving your topic. Did any laws govern the manager's actions? A workplace dilemma involving discipline could involve an employee who is being harassed because of her sexual preference, and as a result she is harassing people in retaliation by directing hateful comments toward fellow co-workers. In this scenario, several people’s behaviors need to be addressed: the employees initially harassing the woman because of her sexual preference, and the woman being harassed who is retaliating. Laws do govern the manager’s actions, especially if the manager ignores the issue at hand. Managers are now being held responsible for their employees’ actions if inappropriate behaviors are not dealt with and knowingly ignored. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which is linked with the Equal Opportunity Employment Commission is in place to ensure discrimination is eliminated from the work place and dealt with appropriately (Trevino & Nelson, 2007). Conclusion. In summary, employees are held accountable to their managers and managers to their employees. Managers are held accountable to their employees because it is their responsibility to make ethical decisions and abide by laws that govern their decision-making. Managers must strive to practice honesty, dignity, and fairness in their workplace as pertains to disciplining employees. They should also discipline employees the ethical way by holding a private meeting, being constructive, professional, allowing the employee’s input, and in consistency with past disciplinary action. Social issues that pertain to the work place involve family issues, personal issues, diversity, and much more (Trevino & Nelson, 2007). References: Trevino, L. , & Nelson, K. (2007). Managing business ethics: Straight talk about how to do it right (4th ed. ). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
John Hawthorne s The House Of Seven Gables - 831 Words
Born July 4, 1804, in Salem, Mass. Reclusive at times, wrote twice-told tales, the house of seven gables, the scarlet letter and more. Married Sophia Peabody and fathered Una. Died in 1864. Buried in Concord, Massachusetts. Great-great-great-great grandfather, John Hawthorne, was judge at Salem witch trials The novel is set in the mid-1600s in Boston, Massachusetts. It encompasses a period of seven years and the plot involves lover-husband-wife, the theme of this book is developed in the context of evil vs good. ï ® Puritan beliefs: – An emphasis on private study of the Bible – A desire to see education and enlightenment for the masses so they could read the Bible for them– Simplicity in worship, the exclusion of vestments, images, candles, etc. – Did not celebrate traditional holidays which they believed to be in violation of the regulative principle of worship. – Believed the Sabbath was still obligatory for Christians, although they believed the Sabbath had been changed to Sunday – Some approved of the church’s involvement with the courts. which did not include some of the traditional practices of the Church of England? Although the Church did not officially control the State in Puritan settlements, religion and government were closely intertwined. The ministers counseled the magistrates in all affairs concerning the settlement and its citizens. The Puritans had strict rules against the theater, religious music, sen suous poetry, and frivolous dress.Show MoreRelatedGuilt as Reparation for Sin in Nathaniel Hawthornes The Scarlet Letter5500 Words  | 22 Pagesto oneamp;#8217;s wrongs. Reverend Mister Dimmesdale learns that secrecy only makes the guilt increase. Nathaniel Hawthorne is trying to display how guilt is the everlasting payment for sinful actions. The theme of guilt as reparation for sin in The Scarlet Letter is revealed through Nathaniel Hawthorneamp;#8217;s use of northeastern, colonial settings, various conflicts, and characters that must live with guilt for the sins they have committed. Nathaniel Hawthorneamp;#8217;s elaborately descriptiveRead MoreGothic Literature : Gothic Writing1974 Words  | 8 PagesCanterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer. (Snodgrass) As the colonists began settling in the Americas writers began writing of racial warfare and the new settlers plan to drive the Native Americans from the frontier in notable writings like Wacousta by John Richardson and Nick of the Woods by Robert Montgomery Bird.(Snodgrass) According to Faye Ringel, â€Å"for over 200 years, all manner of Americans – intellectuals and autodidacts, captains of industry and Lumpenproletariat – have sought by various meansRead MoreBrief Survey of American Literature3339 Words  | 14 PagesAmerican / American Indian oral literature / oral tradition creation storiesï ¼Ë†Ã¨ µ ·Ã¦ º ç ¥Å¾Ã¨ ¯ ï ¼â€° trickster talesï ¼Ë†Ã¦ ¶Ã¤ ½Å"å‰ §Ã¨â‚¬â€¦Ã¤ ¼ Ã¥ ¥â€¡Ã¯ ¼â€° rituals / ceremoniesï ¼Ë†Ã¥â€¦ ¸Ã¤ » ªÃ¯ ¼â€° songs / chantsï ¼Ë†Ã¦â€º ²Ã¨ ¯ ï ¼â€° Anglo Settlers’ Writings Highly religious and pragmatic - John Smith, founder of Jamestown, Virginia; Pocahontas - John Winthrop, â€Å"A Model of Christian Charity†: â€Å"†¦ We shall be as a city upon a hill. The eyes of all people are upon us†¦Ã¢â‚¬ - William Bradford, Of Plymouth Plantation (1630-50, pub. 1856) - Anne Bradstreet (1612-1672)Read MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 Pagesbuilt-in pretests and posttests, focus on what you need to learn and to review in order to succeed. Visit to learn more. DEVELOPING MANAGEMENT SKILLS EIGHTH EDITION David A. Whetten BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY Kim S. Cameron UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Prentice Hall Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle River Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montreal Toronto Delhi Mexico City Sao Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore
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